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Harvard Ed. School Workshop (2012)

April 12, 2012

“Dear Sandeep Das

President and Fellows of Harvard College (“Harvard”), acting through Programs in Professional Education (“PPE”) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, hereby presents to you this agreement to provide consulting services to PPE as a contributor in the following PPE program: Arts and Passion-Driven Learning 2012 (APL12).”

This contract above makes me feel proud for not only myself, but all my fellow artists who I would represent there. My Guru Pt. Kishan Maharaj Ji, my parents, my family, and all my friends from whom I have learnt something or the other always.

And nonetheless than Yo-Yo Ma, from whom I learn each and every time I am even around him. I look forward to being with the likes of Steve Seidel of Project Zero at Harvard and the dynamic duo Tina Blythe and Allison Trombley of the Silk Road Project and Harvard.

Every interaction I have had with the students or faculty at Harvard has been an amazing experience. And just the thought that there will be so many countries represented by the participants and the amazing wealth of experience they will bring…thrills me.

I look forward to being there and more than teach…learn from them all!


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